Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Envy. Wednesday. June 5th 2013.


Did you know life isn't fair? And at 22, I really don't think it will ever be. Let me tell what I've learned so far about a little thing called envy.

There are going to be times, (no matter what you do) that things are going to piss you off. It might be the guy you like and his girlfriend, when you know that you could treat him better, but you seem to go unnoticed. It might be the person who so effortlessly is good at something that you have to work hard for. Or it might be people less qualified than you getting good jobs (<--this is my current struggle).

It's okay to be upset at these things. But, simply put, let it go.

Do not waste your time, your energy and your space on what you do not have. Envy is dangerous. It is a poison that prevents you from seeing the big picture. Envy can (and will) block your blessings or you will miss them as you worry about what you don't have.

Trust me when I say you have everything you need right now; even if you cannot see it like that.

Trust your struggle. Learn from it.

Until I see you,

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